Adding New Galaxy




GalacticraftRegistry (Just In @Mod Class):

   import micdoodle8.mods.galacticraft.api.GalacticraftRegistry;

Victor3 (Just In Galaxy Class):

   import micdoodle8.mods.galacticraft.api.vector.Vector3;

StatCollector (Just In Galaxy Class):

   import net.minecraft.util.StatCollector;

Creating Galaxy Class

To create a new galaxy you will need to create a class for it. The galaxy class will need to implement IGalaxy.


   return StatCollector.translateToLocal(""); //Change "".


   return -1; //Change This To Whatever You Need,Note: One Number Will Make It Too Far, Another Note: PixelGalaxy Add-on Use X:1.


   return -1; //Change This To Whatever You Need,Note: One Number Will Make It Too Far, Another Note: PixelGalaxy Add-on Use Y:1.


   return new Vector3(256.0D / 256.0D, 256.0D / 256.0D, 50.0D / 256.0D); //If You Need You Can Change The Color, It's Red,Green,Blue.

@Mod Class

  • Import your galaxy class, then add this variable:
   public static final IGalaxy galaxyMilkyWay = new GCCoreGalaxyBlockyWay(); //This Is From GalacticraftCore File, So Change The Names.
  • At your init function, you will need to register the galaxy using:
   GalacticraftRegistry.registerGalaxy(GalacticraftCore.galaxyMilkyWay); //This Is From GalacticraftCore File, So Change The Names.


  • You can't see your galaxy; it's empty. You will need to add a celestial body to it.

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