
Revision as of 13:18, 16 March 2014 by Ezer'Arch (talk | contribs) (Orbits)
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This template provides a uniform design for Planet templates.



Life support








Day-night cycle duration


| title = 
| type =
| life_support = 
| oxygen =
| gravity =
| orbits =
| day_length =
Parameter Function Default value
title Only needed to change the title from the page name {{BASEPAGENAME}}
image Image of the profession (should be approx. 150x150px) {{{title}}}.png if it exists, otherwise No image.png (linking to the page where to upload the missing image)
type Type of the dimension: Space Station, Planet, Moon, Asteroid ?
life_support If it is Full of life, Habitable or Uninhabitable ?
oxygen Whether there is Oxygen present in the atmosphere ?
gravity Gravity in % (Overworld is 100%) ?
orbits The body of the Solar System this dimension orbits (e.g. Sun, Overworld) ?
day_length Day-night cycle length in hours and minutes and in Overworld days between parenthesis, such as 0h 00min (0 Overworld days) ?

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