Rocket: Difference between revisions

BSLcerescraft moved page Rocket to Tier 1 Rocket
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#REDIRECT [[Tier 1 Rocket]]
'''Rocket''' may refer to:
* [[Tier 1 Rocket]] - the first rocket you can build. It will bring you as far as the [[Moon]].
* [[Tier 2 Rocket]] - This can be built after you have looted the [[Moon Dungeon]] for the [[Tier 2 Rocket Schematic]]. Brings you as far as [[Mars]].
* [[Cargo Rocket]] - Unmanned rocket that is able to transport a large payload. Can only be built after you have looted the [[Mars Dungeon]] for the [[Cargo Rocket Schematic]].
* [[Rocket Launch Pad]] - required to launch any rocket.

Revision as of 17:50, 13 October 2013

Rocket may refer to:

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