Moon Stone: Difference between revisions

Created page with "{{Block |mod=Galacticraft |type= |gravity=No |light=No |tool=Pickaxe }} Moon Stone is the equivalent of Overworld stone. It has a recolor that makes it appear darker than..."
Ezer'Arch (talk | contribs)
m Category
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[[Moon Stone]] is the equivalent of Overworld stone.  It has a recolor that makes it appear darker than Overworld stone and has a pattern reminiscent of endstone.
[[Moon Stone]] is the equivalent of [[The Overworld]] stone.  It has a recolor that makes it appear darker than Overworld stone and has a pattern reminiscent of endstone.


Latest revision as of 02:58, 14 June 2014

Moon Stone







This block can be broken with any tool, but a pickaxe is the quickest



Moon Stone is the equivalent of The Overworld stone. It has a recolor that makes it appear darker than Overworld stone and has a pattern reminiscent of endstone.

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