Buggy Fueling Pad

Buggy Fueling Pad
Buggy Fueling Pad





A wooden pickaxe or better is required to mine this block


Yes (64)

The Buggy Fueling Pad is needed to fuel your Moon Buggy in Galacticraft. The Buggy Fueling Pad must be placed in a 3 x 3 Square to create a functional Buggy Fueling Pad.

Crafting Recipe

Galacticraft 2:

Compressed Steel Compressed Steel Compressed Steel Buggy Fueling Pad9
Block of Iron Block of Iron Block of Iron

Basic Components:

Steel Plate Steel Plate Steel Plate Buggy Fueling Pad9
Block of Iron Block of Iron Block of Iron


Buggy Fueling Pad tiles are multi-blocks. This means that they will not function until several of them are placed in the right shape.

To build a Buggy Fueling Pad, Buggy Fueling Pad tiles must be placed in a 3 x 3 square. Upon placing the final piece, the Buggy Fueling Pad will build itself.

Once completed, your Moon Buggy of choice can be fueled by placing it onto any block of the fueling pad. The fueling pad must be connected to a Fuel Loader to load fuel into the Moon Buggy.

The Fuel Loader can be attached to any side of the Buggy Fueling Pad, and will automatically begin to fill the Moon Buggy with the supplied fuel when powered.

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