Oxygen Bubble Distributor

Oxygen Bubble Distributor
Oxygen Bubble Distributor







Yes (64)

The Oxygen Bubble Distributor takes oxygen from the Oxygen Collector, and makes an oxygen bubble providing an area to safely breathe in without needing Oxygen Gear. The bubble is a sphere surrounding the distributor and will go through walls (or any block). Alternatively, you can use an Oxygen Sealer to contain oxygen inside a room.


In order to use the distributor, it must be connected to Oxygen Pipes that are connected to an Oxygen Collector. Once supplied with oxygen, a bubble of oxygen will be produced, and whenever you are in this bubble, you can breathe. The more oxygen the Oxygen Collector gains, the bigger the oxygen bubble will be. Note, right when you step out of the Oxygen Bubble, you will start to take damage. The Oxygen Bubble Distributor does require power to activate as of version 2.0.6. The approximate radius of the bubble is 9 blocks (10 counting from the distributor), assuming the bubble is fully powered and provided sufficient oxygen.

Crafting Recipe

Galacticraft 2:

Compressed Steel Air Fan Compressed Steel Oxygen Bubble Distributor
Air Vent Compressed Aluminum Air Vent
Compressed Steel Air Fan Compressed Steel


Steel Ingot Air Fan Steel Ingot Oxygen Bubble Distributor
Air Vent Steel Ingot Air Vent
Steel Ingot Air Fan Steel Ingot

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