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'''Silicon''' was added in [[Galacticraft 2]] and is mined from [[Silicon Ore]]. Silicon is generated between levels 0 and 25 and is slightly less rare than diamonds. It must be noted that chunks already generated before [[Galacticraft 2]] is installed will not contain [[Silicon Ore]].
'''Silicon''' (or Raw Silicon) is a crafting ingredient added in [[Galacticraft 2]]. It is obtained by mining [[Silicon Ore]]. When mined, the Silicon Ore will drop the Silicon and does not need to be smelted (much like Diamonds). It is a required ingredient when crafting various types of wafers using the [[Circuit Fabricator]].
Silicon used to manufacture [[Wafer]]s in [[Circuit Fabricator]]s.


Revision as of 01:38, 4 December 2013

Raw Silicon
Raw Silicon








Silicon (or Raw Silicon) is a crafting ingredient added in Galacticraft 2. It is obtained by mining Silicon Ore. When mined, the Silicon Ore will drop the Silicon and does not need to be smelted (much like Diamonds). It is a required ingredient when crafting various types of wafers using the Circuit Fabricator.

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