Tutorials/Galacticraft Getting Started Guide

The Moon will be the first stop on your Galacticraft journey. In order to get to the Moon you will need a Spaceship, when flying to the Moon be sure you are prepared with the proper gear before you launch into space.

Things to Do on the Moon

Like the Overworld, the Moon has many ores to offer you. Cheese Ore can be found on the Moon, and can be refined into delicious Cheese Curd. Tin Ore and Copper Ore can also be located beneath the moon's cratered surface.

In addition, the moon is a great place to set up an outer-space outpost. With a well-made oxygen recycling system, it's possible to survive on the moon indefinitely.

Finally, the moon hides a terrible secret, which brave adventurers must discover on their own. If you face these dangers and survive, you will be rewarded with ancient scientific knowledge.

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