Oxygen Mask

Revision as of 02:34, 30 December 2013 by Ezer'Arch (talk | contribs) (Bug fixed? Tested and it didn't happen.)
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Oxygen Mask
Oxygen Mask



Breathing Equipment




Yes (64)

The Oxygen Mask is one part of the Oxygen System used to breathe on planets without oxygen, the others being (Oxygen Gear and Oxygen Tanks).

Crafting Recipe

Glass_Pane Glass_Pane Glass_Pane Oxygen_Mask
Glass_Pane Iron_Helmet Glass_Pane
Glass_Pane Glass_Pane Glass_Pane


  • When you die with the gamerule KeepInv = true, you still wear it but it no longer appears there. Leaving the game and restarting it can fix the visibility. (NOTE: this bug no longer occurs in the newest versions, at least from version on).


  • On the mask's icon there's no iron frame or support, but in-game there's an iron piece on the lower back of the player.
  • Wearing an oxygen mask, gear, and tank does not prevent you from drowning in water. However, micdoodle8 has hinted to a hydra-attachment. See the forum thread.

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