Basic Wafer

Revision as of 13:29, 12 May 2014 by Ezer'Arch (talk | contribs) (Test 2)
Basic Wafer
Basic Wafer








The basic wafer is used for creating basic machines such as the Basic Solar Panel or the Compressor.

Crafting Recipe

First, build a Circuit Fabricator. Then use the following recipe:

  • 1 Redstone Torch as its main ingredient, which has to be placed in a top right slot.
  • 2 Raw Silicon
  • 1 Diamond
  • 1 Redstone dust

If you are playing in survival you can build yourself a Coal Generator as a basic power source (in creative you can use for example a Battery, solar panels, etc.). You can connect the generator with the Circuit Fabricator by using Aluminum Wire.

How to make a basic wafer.

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