Tin Canister

Revision as of 04:16, 5 June 2014 by Some Body (talk | contribs)
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Tin Canister
Tin Canister








The Tin Canister is a component used in the crafting of the Rocket Engine, Light Oxygen Tank, Medium Oxygen Tank, Heavy Oxygen Tank, Oxygen Collector, Oxygen Concentrator and Empty Liquid Canister as well as the various types of Dehydrated food. It is crafted by placing 7 Tin Ingots in a U shape in a crafting table.

As of version 2.0.6 the crafting recipe changed from using Compressed Tin to Tin Ingots and the output has been upped to 2 Tin Canisters.


Galacticraft 2 (v2.0.6):

Tin Ingot   Tin Ingot Tin Canister2
Tin Ingot   Tin Ingot
Tin Ingot Tin Ingot Tin Ingot

Galacticraft 2 (older versions):

Compressed Tin   Compressed Tin Tin Canister
Compressed Tin   Compressed Tin
Compressed Tin Compressed Tin Compressed Tin

Crafting Uses

Galacticraft 2:

  Flint and Steel Stone Button Rocket Engine
Heavy Duty Plating Tin Canister Heavy Duty Plating
Heavy Duty Plating Air Vent Heavy Duty Plating
Lime_Wool     Light_Oxygen_Tank
Compressed Copper    
Orange_Wool Orange_Wool   Medium_Oxygen_Tank
Tin_Canister Tin_Canister  
Compressed Tin Compressed Tin  
Red Wool Red Wool Red Wool Heavy_Oxygen_Tank
Tin Canister Tin Canister Tin Canister
Compressed Steel Compressed Steel Compressed Steel
Compressed Steel Compressed Steel Compressed Steel Oxygen Collector
Air Fan Tin Canister Air Vent
Compressed Aluminum Oxygen Concentrator Compressed Aluminum
Compressed Steel Compressed Tin Compressed Steel Oxygen Concentrator
Compressed Tin Tin Canister Compressed Tin
Compressed Steel Air Vent Compressed Steel
Compressed Tin Compressed Steel Compressed Tin Empty Liquid Canister
Compressed Tin Glass Compressed Tin
Compressed Tin Tin Canister Compressed Tin
Compressed Meteoric Iron Yellow Wool Compressed Meteoric Iron Tier 1 Booster
Compressed Meteoric Iron Tin Canister Compressed Meteoric Iron
Heavy Duty Plating Air Vent Heavy Duty Plating
      Can of Food
Tin Canister Potato Potato
Desh Ingot Compressed Desh Desh Ingot Terraformer
Desh Ingot Tin Canister Desh Ingot
Compressed Desh Oxygen Concentrator Compressed Desh

Thermal Expansion:

Red_Wool Red_Wool Red_Wool Heavy_Oxygen_Tank
Tin_Canister Tin_Canister Tin_Canister
Lead_Ingot Lead_Ingot Lead_Ingot
Invar Ingot Tin Ingot Invar Ingot Oxygen Concentrator
Tin Ingot Tin Canister Tin Ingot
Invar Ingot Air Vent Invar Ingot
Tin Ingot Invar Ingot Tin Ingot Empty Liquid Canister
Tin Ingot Glass Tin Ingot
Tin Ingot Tin Canister Tin Ingot

Basic Components:

Lime_Wool     Light_Oxygen_Tank
Orange_Wool Orange_Wool   Medium_Oxygen_Tank
Tin_Canister Tin_Canister  
Tin_Ingot Tin_Ingot  
Red Wool Red Wool Red Wool Heavy_Oxygen_Tank
Tin Canister Tin Canister Tin Canister
Steel Ingot Steel Ingot Steel Ingot
Steel Ingot Steel Ingot Steel Ingot Oxygen Collector
Air Fan Tin Canister Air Vent
Steel Ingot Oxygen Concentrator Steel Ingot
Steel Ingot Tin Ingot Steel Ingot Oxygen Concentrator
Tin Ingot Tin Canister Tin Ingot
Steel Ingot Air Vent Steel Ingot
Tin Ingot Steel Ingot Tin Ingot Empty Liquid Canister
Tin Ingot Glass Tin Ingot
Tin Ingot Tin Canister Tin Ingot

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