
Revision as of 17:26, 29 September 2013 by Jauq (talk | contribs) (→‎Prerequisites)
View of the Mars Surface
Mars first look

Mars is the second planet ever added to Galacticraft. It's surface consists of a brownish-reddish block. Tin and Copper can also be found on Mars.


Currently, Mars can only be reached with the use of a Tier 2 Rocket, as opposed to a Tier 1 Rocket. Thus, trying to fly to mars with a Tier 1 Rocket is impossible.

Also on Mars A Slimeling Egg has a chance to spawn. They consist of 3 colors Red, Blue, and Yellow. They can be renamed and fed to create mini slime Bodyguards. They can breed with one another to create more slimelings and color of the new slimeling is the color of the parents combined

See Also


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