Compiling Workspace


Setting up the workspace

Videos coming soon!

  1. Open "Forge/mcp/libs".
  2. Copy the Galacticraft dev deobf files here.
  3. Open Eclipse.
  4. Right-click on the Minecraft project, click Properties->Java Build Path->Libraries->Add External Jars and select the 4 dev files.
  5. Extract the Galacticraft Github code.
  6. Open common.
  7. Copy all files to "Forge/mcp/src".
  8. Open "Forge/mcp/src/micdoodle8/mods/galacticraft/".
  9. Delete all folders without the API folder.
  10. At "Forge/mcp", Run "recompile.bat/.sh" then "updatemd5.bat/.sh".


  • This workspace is just for compiling; you can't run Minecraft MCP.

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